Hey guys! I want you to meet Chicky – my longest surviving stuffed toy egg.
I think I got him back in the fourth grade by winning a school contest of sorts. It’s been forever, so I don’t remember all the details. But what I can tell you is this – I’ve lost A TON of items over the last 35 years. Somehow, this little plush toy has managed to stay with me through all of the moves, life events, and property losses that I’ve gone through.
This, in a small but significant way, is my childhood.
And would you believe that this is virtually the same condition that I have had in most of that time? Of course, it was brand new and looked a lot better than it does now. But it really hasn’t gotten any dirtier than what you see, right now.
I’ve been on a year religious sabbatical of sorts, have gone cross-country and back several times, and even had an eviction from an apartment AND a storage place. And somehow, this little toy has survived it all.
Some things we’re just built to last. But then again, maybe I just got lucky that this little toy has survived the journey, all this time.
Anyways, thanks for reading. Until next time, take care.