Dear Reader,
So it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these recaps, but I’m going to try and get back on track.
So my father-in-law spent some time in a hospital in Salt Lake City, due to some weakness he was experiencing. Turns out that he was diagnosed with a disease called, “Myasthenia Gravis.” He was in the hospital for a week, but now he’s back home resting. Because of the diagnosis, he won’t be able to do some things anymore, for fear of an unexpected episode coming on. Otherwise, he’s doing okay, at the moment.
Lyft Complications
Two Fridays ago, Lyft “temporarily deactivated” my ability to drive on their platform – citing “safety concerns.” It’s not the first time that this has happened, but normally I get the matter resolved within a day or two. This issue has been going on for NINE days, now. I keep trying to get updates on this issue, but no one at the company will give me something to go on. So each day that I can’t work on the platform, I am losing money. In the meantime, I’m trying to find other platforms to work on, in lieu of not being able to with Lyft.
Foot Therapy Progress
In other news, I made some progress with my feet. As of right now, I don’t have casts on either foot. My doctor say, however, that I’d need to meet with another shoe specialist. I met with an Orthotist on Friday, and it looks like he’ll be able to help me with my feet. I’ll keep you posted.
Leaving Facebook
Lastly, as I mentioned in a previous blog post, I am planning to either leave Facebook or make my usage of the platform as minimal as possible. I’ve had an array of issues that have left me irritated with the platform. The most recent issue was being locked out multiple times, for no reason.. Being that I’ve spent less and less time on it, I felt that it was time to make my exit. If you’re on Facebook and want to stay in touch, message me on Messenger.
Well, that’s it for this week. Not a whole lot going on, but