So since my last posting, I’ve done quite a bit. Now, I think I’ll try to catch you up on what’s been going on. For our 15th anniversary, my wife and i took a quick trip back to Nashville. We went back to see family and friends, but also to go back to the place…
Category: Utah
The Last Haircut of 2021
So #NewYearsEve2021, and I’m ending it with one final haircut. I thought I’d do a #BeforeAndAfter shot of what it looks and feels like. I gotta say that I love my barber. Been with him for about 26 yrs, and he doesn’t charge me a dime. Probably because he’s always trying to make his haircut…
I’m So Done With Uber
I’m closing my account with Uber. After several months of trying to get reestablished with them as a driver, it is clear that they are doing absolutely nothing to help me resolve my on-boarding issues. It was a good run, but it has come to an end, now. #SoLong
The Lyft Deactivation Saga Continues
So in a previous blog, I talked about my dissatisfaction with Lyft. They “temporarily deactivated” my account, due to what they call “safety reasons.” Each day of each week, I have submitted either calls or emails asking for a follow up to the situation. In all efforts to find information, they have been virtually silent…
End Of Week Madness
Dear Reader, So admittedly, I’ve been slacking off for a while – my bad. I’ve been honestly wanting to report something of interest on a weekly basis. Turns out that I’m more boring than I realize. Anyways, I’ll catch you up as much as I can recall in this session of my Weekly Recap. So…
My Weekly Recap (Two-Week Edition): 25 April 2021
Dear Reader, So I missed last week and was going to do it on Monday. Then Monday turned into Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on. So I am writing you to catch you up on two weeks’ worth of news. And what a difference a week can make. Foot Wound Saga So I got out of…
The First Friday
I originally posted this yesterday to social media but decided to make it into a blog post. It’s the #firstfriday in a year that I’ve been able to truly work. I’m out doing the #rideshare thing. COVID has not slowed down the process of having a fun night out. Yes, people are wearing masks (mostly), but…
My Weekly Recap: 11 April 2021
Dear Reader, I don’t know what would be noteworthy to write about in this post, but nevertheless, I will do my best. COVID Vaccine Shots So this week, my wife and I got our first of two COVID vaccine shots. I wasn’t too sure on whether or not I personally wanted to do it. But…
Meet Chicky!
Hey guys! I want you to meet Chicky – my longest surviving stuffed toy egg. I think I got him back in the fourth grade by winning a school contest of sorts. It’s been forever, so I don’t remember all the details. But what I can tell you is this – I’ve lost A TON…
My Weekly Recap: 7 March 2021
Dear Reader, So this has been a fun-filled week… or not. So both of my feet have been in casts since Thanksgiving, and nothing has really changed. They have diabetic ulcers on them. They are getting better, but it’s been a slow process. Not complaining, but it’s a part of life for the moment. The…